All creditors are called upon to register their claims to the Extraordinary Trustee
Pursuant to the Decision of the Zagreb Commercial Court, St-1138/17, the procedure of Extraordinary Administration was initiated over debtor Agrokor and its related and dependent companies in accordance with the Law for the Extraordinary Administration for Companies with Systemic Importance for the Republic of Croatia (hereafter: Law for the Extraordinary Administration).
All creditors are called upon to register their claims to the Extraordinary Trustee within 60 days of the initiation of procedure of Extraordinary Administration starting on 10 April 2017 and lasting until 9 June 2017. Both creditors with separate satisfaction rights and those with exclusion rights are called upon to inform the Extraordinary Trustee about their rights, per stipulations of article 258 of the Bankruptcy Act, in stated time frame.
In order that Zvijezda operationally assists with the preparation of registering of claims and provides its faster processing, creditors are directed to contact Zvijezda d.d. on the following contact Mrs. Duška Tukša, telefon number 01/ 2382-755 and/or e-mail: , in order to harmonize the amounts of unresolved claims dated 9th April 2017.
In order to faster the registering of claims, creditors are kindly asked to prepare elaboration of outstanding claims on 9th April 2017 in electronic form (if possible in excel format). Afore-mentioned is not a legal obligation and the data that will be included in analytics of outstanding claims on 9th April 2017 we would define in communication with you.
This can be further assisted by filling out form 19. Table of reported claims, separate satisfaction rights and exclusion rights (article 259, item 1 of the Bankruptcy Act), which you can download by clicking HERE.
After the adjustment of claims, Zvijezda d.d. will issue to creditor the document in which confirms the amount of the claim on that date, by which the processing of registered claims will be easier whereas it will not require additional harmonization between company and its creditors. This document will be signed by Finance Director Mrs. Vesna Kovačević, to confirm its authenticity.
After obtaining confirmation of balance on 9th April 2017, claim reports should be completed by filling out form 18. Claim application in bankruptcy proceedings (article 257, item 1 of the Bankruptcy Act) pursuant to article 32 of the Law for the Extraordinary Administration, which you can download by clicking HERE and must be sent to Agrokor d.d., Trg Dražena Petrovića 3, Zagreb with label “report – for Extraordinary Trustee” in two copies, per stipulations of the Bankruptcy Act. One copy is for the Commercial court.
For all operative inquiries, please contact Mrs. Mirjana Budanko, telefon number 01/2382-759, and/or e-mail:
Zvijezda d.d.